04 September 2008

Nice to be Noticed

It's nice when people notice the work you do and give you kudos. Here's a snippet from a coworker:
(You used to maintain the [internal class sign-up] stuff, right? The class meeting requests were so much more awesome when they started with “Howdy”.)

03 September 2008

Good Start to the Week

A minor surprise from the weekend was finding my normal monthly deposit was larger than normal. Upon getting back to work today, it was confirmed I got a raise for my year back. Good times! I am now trying to resist the urge to buy something in celebration.

With the raise comes a bittersweet note. If I would not have taken the year off from here I would also be eligible for my sabbatical this month. Since I did take the time off, I have to wait till April 2011 to take one. Kind of a bummer since really want to get out and do some international travel. I have yet to go abroad (Canada really does not count) and I might be getting a bit impatient to remedy that situation. :)