12 February 2009

Foster Time! Again.

We're getting another foster real soon, Tuesday if all goes well. Look for pics soon of Boo the schipperke.

11 February 2009

Need Proper Sleep

Sleep schedule is out of whack again. The later it gets, the more awake I feel. As much as I would love to stay up late and wake up at a natural time for me, I still have to wake up for training. Boo

10 February 2009

Belated Happy Birthday!

To my oldest cat. Snotface is 12 now. The old man is even older.

09 February 2009

Secret Tweet

If you like Postsecret, there's something similar on twitter. Checkout Secret Tweet.

08 February 2009

Small Victory

Diet's work'n. Belt down 2 notches.

07 February 2009

My Cats are Awesome

Been feeling sick today, so I went up to take a short nap. Short turned into about 6+ hours of nap. Though when I went to sleep, the cats decided I needed some extra warmth so they piled on top of me. one cat on my chest, one on my left arm, and one on each leg. It's very comforting to wake up and feel the warm, purry goodness helping out.

06 February 2009

bd Mongolian Grill

Food is decent, the grilling folks are pretty fun and have a lot of energy. Layout could use a bit of tweaking, the people flow around the grill and the salad bar are not very good at high volume times.

Generally, on par with other chain restaurants.

05 February 2009

Weight Loss Setback

I have been dealt a blow to my weight loss project. When weighing myself this morning, I noticed that my weight jumped around when I moved the scale from place to place. Turns out, the weight has a leg on it that is impacted into the housing somehow.

That cases doubt on all the measurements I've taken since the beginning of the year. Great. So I have all this data that is now unreliable.

Now I have a new scale, so the data will be reliable from here on out. The positive outcome of the problem is that the new scale can also measure body fat. That will help me keep track of how much fat I am losing.

All in all, a hit, but a bonus too.

04 February 2009

Ahh Denny's

After their ad for the free grand slam, I had a hankering for some good low-brow food. It was everything I thought it could be and more.

Plus it was breakfast food.

03 February 2009

Thoughts on Direction

At work it's time for my 6 month and 1 month review... getting to them after only 1.5 years there.

One aspect of the review is a set of goals you want to achieve in the next year. This got me to thinking of what direction I want my professional career to go in. I have a clear idea of what my goals and direction should be in at my current job from my employer's perspective. Though what my goals and direction are from a personal career focus, I don't have the foggiest idea what I want or where I should go. I do know that I don't want to do this job for the rest of my life. While I am ok with my work, it's not something I can see myself doing in a longer time frame.

If this is not what I want to do then, what is it I want to do? Well, I don't know. I have a few ideas that I think would be fun to do and something I would enjoy, I don't know if it'll really be possible for me to be able to do them. Whether it be missing the skills for the job, the resources for the job, or the opportunity for the job.

There are a few job qualities I would be looking for in a long term career. A component of the job should involve some sort of manual labor. It is nice to be able to move and work the body as well as the mind during the day.

I would like to be able to use my hands to construct something, whether it be crafting or coding, I would like to be able to use my hands and make something. To be able to make something tangible would be a bonus.

Working with animals would be a bonus.

I would want to have some control over my work schedule and tasks I am to perform.

I would like to work in a field that does change over time. I wouldn't like to work in something that is static all the time. I like to have some aspect of change and variety.

I don't know what exact job would fit the bill. I am sure there are other criteria I have but can not recall actively. Until then, I don't know what to do or what direction to take.

Not all those who wander are lost... am I lost?

02 February 2009

Taking the Long Way Home

After the Great Pothole Incident of '09, I've decided to find my way home by a different route. The normal way home has becoming a landmine filled path of sorrow.

The new way home is the back roads of Madison. The roads give me many scenic options as well as opportunities to honk at less than stellar drivers if I am having a bad day. While the drive might take a slight amount longer, my car will be injury free and I have more time to listen to my books on tape. Depending on how the commute goes, I might have to renew my audible account and get some more books on tape.

My general advice for you, avoid University Avenue west of campus. Yes, it is that bad. Try out a new route in the back roads and see some new parts of Madison you might be missing.

01 February 2009

Another Short One

I would write longer, but I am mentally drained from the last few weeks at work. Need some time to do a mental recharge.