27 August 2007

On returning to that one place

After having a conversation with Loud at the most awesome Orton Park Festival, I have a thought to return to my former place of work. The place where I trained for 3 years.

I wouldn’t return back to that training role, but rather as a developer. Sounds like they are moving toward a web based platform. Web programming is something I am very very interested in. I now have the thought sunk into my head of applying and seeing if I can get offered a developer position. Also having more money incoming would be nice since my better half is unable to work.

So I need some help working this one out. Dear readers, all two or three of you, what do you think about me possibly applying for a developer position at that place. Is it wise to reapply after being gone a year? How much compensation to shoot for? Is it still a good place to work? Other suggestions on places to apply? Are you willing to donate me a smoker? (See this post)

Leave a comment or shoot me an email. Help the bane decide.

21 August 2007

State Budgets

I wish the state legislature would get it’s head out of it’s collective ass and pass the state budget. Though I hope they cut a few parts of the republican version of the budget. Mainly the change to the health care costs and make the non-unionized employees have to pay more into their retirement plans to the tune of 5% and also vastly increase the cost of healthcare.

If they pass, which I don’t think they will, I get hit with a substantial pay cut and I doubt the raise will cover anywhere near the cut. The raise is also somewhere in the budget. Not sure what figure it’s at, but I doubt it’s over 2%. Even if it is passed at 2% raise, because of administrative fun I wouldn’t likely get the full 2% anyway. Plus since we’re heavy users of the health care benefits, that will also hurt us in the long run.

The bugger is there is nothing we can do to fight it right now as employees. By state law, faculty and academic staff are the only state workers who are forbidden by law to unionize. There are folks who are working to change that law and I’m throwing them my support. I don’t see any reason to ban any union.

In the off chance that they do pass, I have been doing some scenario work in my head. I can’t stop myself from mental scenario work (a.k.a. worrying), so I’ve pondered what we would have to cut, getting a part-time job to subliment pay, and even reapplying back to my old workplace. I wouldn’t shoot for my old position, but rather a position like the one I am currently in, IT.

All that will have to wait for the budget to pass, then the real planning will begin.

(Of couse the money thing wouldn’t be too much of a problem if it wasn’t for my student loans. :-/ If anyone has a lot of money to donate to a random person to help pay off student loans, I have a great candidate in mind... ME! :-) )

11 August 2007

DIY Bacon

Holy hell. I have to try this and soon.

Makin Bacon

10 August 2007

Something Cheery: Banjo

With the down posts, how about one cheery one to balance things out some.

For a wedding present, one of my old friends in Illinois gave me a banjo. Said banjo has been sitting in my office gathering dust since I A.) don’t know how to play it and B.) I haven’t look for instruction on it yet.

Internet to the rescue!

On one of the I follow, Boing Boing, had a post about a gentleman who write and released free online versions of his books on learning the banjo and the guitar. Awesome!

So I will be following "The How and Tao of Old Time Banjo" in the coming weeks to get my banjo on. Sweet.

Side-effects and Withdrawal


So after yesterday’s upbeat post about how I am feeling, I thought I should let folks know about why I stopped taking my meds and what the withdrawal symptoms are I am coping with.

To help out with the depression, the latest drug I tried was Paroxetine, a.k.a. Paxil. I was tired of what it was doing to me. It was somewhat effective that my days emotionally improved from about a 2 on average from 1-10 to about a 5. Though it came with a physical and a mental cost I decided was not worth the slight improvement in mood.

A big one was weight gain. I swelled up like a ballon and am fatter and so out of shape. I am bigger than I have ever been and it is affecting my health now too with high cholesterol, something just about unknown in my family. Needless to say, I don’t have much physical energy. I get pathetically winded very fast.

I feel that part of why I gained so much weight was that I became intensely apathetic. Nothing really mattered. It was a bad trade off that from depression came apathy. I didn’t care about anything: the state of my health, the state of the house, maintaining bonds with my friends, work, nothing. The house started to fall into ruin since joyxiii is not well enough from the fibro to do much work around the house. She has her hands full trying to make it through the day, let along try to maintain the house while her husband is in an apathetic hole. I didn’t do any house work since what was the point really. The yard is a mess with huge weeds, tall grass, and lots of dog poo. The inside is pretty messy to since I didn’t clean up very well after the puppy made his messes. Nothing really mattered and most of the time I just wanted to sit and stare at a wall and do nothing. What was the point in doing anything else really.

The apathy is the most likely cause of the weight loss. It also is a contributor to the third side effect that I severely disliked, but those are highly personal details one doesn’t just blog about. Take a wild guess about what personal stuff I wouldn’t blog about, and you’d be most likely correct.


I was so apathetic, I didn’t even want to do anything about the side effects. Once again, why bother. On a weekend down to the parents house, we forgot my medication at home. It was only a 4 day weekend, and missing a few days for most meds wouldn’t be a huge issue. Unless that is the medication fucks with your mental state, then it goes downhill very fast. When you miss even one day of paroxetine, side effects can show up and be pretty hard to cope with. The drug only has a half life of around a day if I recall correctly, so the level in your body will fall fast if you miss a dose.

On the second day of missing the dose, some of the apathy went away enough for me to realize the drug was not worth it. I decided to go cold turkey off the medicine and just suffer through the withdrawal. My worry was that if I go back on paroxetine the apathy would return and my attempt to stop using it would go down the drain. So cold turkey was the way I went. It is a hard road.

The depression has started to come back. My days are getting back down to a 2 or 3 most of the time, but at least I am getting the drive back to retake responsibility of the duties I had been ignorning. Though the withdrawal still makes it hard.

Some of what I am fighting is insomnia, constant nausea, dizziness, hyper-real dreams on the verge of severe nightmares, and the worst is the zaps.

The zaps are a common part of SSRI withdrawal. Basically what a zap is is what it sounds like, a zap of electricity throughout the entire body. Kind of like an intense dizziness with the entire body shutting down for a split second. It’s disorienting and on bad days, it can happen as often as every few seconds. When I move my eyes, every time my eyes stop moving I get a zap. If I am exerting myself, I get constant zaps. They’re not painful in anyway, but are a major hurdle to overcome. It breaks your concentrating and makes reading down right impossible at times. When the latest Harry Potter book came out for example, I couldn’t read it. Every time I went to a new line in the book, zap. It was making me nauseous and made it down right impossible to keep engaged in the book. I eventually had to get the audio book to listen to so I could finish the series.

Dealing with everything is draining. Though I would rather suffer through this than still be on the drug.

State of the Bane

Currently the side effects are still with me. I have not taken paroxetine for about a month. From what I have read, they can last as little as a few days in some to months in others. I still have a long road to go. Wish me luck, I will need it.

Once I am over these, the next step is finding a better way to manage my depression. Drugs do have some utility in controlling it, but the side effects are not worth it. Therapy has not helped either. Something has to work, I only have to find it.

06 August 2007

My losing battle

A long time since I’ve posted here. I doubt many people will see this, but it will be a good release to get it out.

I have a disease I am losing the battle with. It is one that you can not see and one that few will even acknowledge that it exists. It is a mental illness, depression

I have tried to fight it with medication. All that has given me is side affects that are worse than being depressed along. The medications made me apathetic, unable to perform, and feeling vacant and drained. Trying to get off of them made it worse with side affects I would wish on not even my worse enemies.

I have tried to fight it with words. I have talked to professionals and good friends. It relieves some mental pressure, but the core is still there.

No matter how much I talk, how many medications I take, I still feel a crushing lonliness. I feel on the verge of breaking down all the time. The slightest thing can set me off into a depressive spiral. Where ever I go I feel a sense of expectation. Expectation that someone will come and take this loneliness away. Someone who will make the mental pain stop. Though that is naive. That is never going to happen. This is something I know I have to deal with for the rest of my life amid crys of those who do not accept it as an illness. While I try to fight my way through the darkness, they say it’s all in your head, snap out of it, you just want attention, everyone has a bad time now and get over it. If it could be that easy, I would be a much happier person. A "good" day for me is one where I do not feel the urge to just shut down. A bad day for me is being so thoroughly mentally defeated where nothing gives me the slightest bit of joy. Happiness, true happiness, is elusive to me. It has only happened a few precious times in my life. The rest of the time, the crushing loneliness takes over and I am a pathetic human being.

That is my curse and my diesease. Something I fight with my entire life knowing it will never go away. It’s hard and it’s a draining fighting something you know you can not beat.