08 April 2008

Prices Going Up

Along with gas prices going up, looks like my health care costs are going up again by a loving 17%. Since our health programs don't have a employee/spouse plan, I have to go for the family plan at more than 6 times the cost of the personal plan. Now with the family price increase (I think the employee only price might have actually dropped nope, they did go up but by 8%), I am getting boned even more on that benefit. It's a good plan, but the folks who are just employee and spouse get the short end of the stick. If they did have a employee/spouse program at about 2.5 times the personal plan cost, it could save us almost $2k a year.

At least with rising gas prices, there are things I can do to offset that by driving conservatively or getting a more efficient vehicle if prices get out there. There's balls I can do about this price increase which just bugs me even more.

1 comment:

11frogs said...

I know it seems like a lot, but, wow it could be so much worse if you compare to what you'd be paying out of pocket (eek!) w/ no insurance, for private (non-company-plan) insurance, or even your full portion of what the company pays for your current plan. Healthcare is absolutely insane. I'm doing the last one right now and will be facing the second one in a couple months. So far I've ignored worrying about it, but yuckyuckyuck ...