16 January 2009

28th Year in Review

On Wednesday, I completed my 28th year. If I were to assign it a letter grade, I would supply a D. My goals I set out at the start of next year all fell flat. My health is in decline. I weigh more than ever. I am less connected with my friends. Our debt just grew and grew and shows no signs of stopping in the coming year.

There were a few good points to the year that save if from being an F. Friends getting married, the trip to Seattle, and added a new pet to the brood who has really taken a liking to me.

For the coming year, the outlook is varied. On the good side, my brother is getting married and we are saving up to go on a trip to England next year.

On the bad side, debt is going to greatly increase. We have to fix the roof and the drain under the house at least. Saving for the trip will also take a hit in that department.

Goal wise, I have none for this year. I am not good with goals. I have grand intentions in starting things, but my follow-through is crap. I am hoping that my situations with debt, health, weight, and friends will improve. Hope does nothing without work. Work is what I need this year.

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